AGI Energy Service Center Energy Efficiency Network

The AGI Energy Service Centre (AGI-ESC) is hosting Ghana’s first Energy Efficiency Network in 2023.
The 1st Network launched in September will comprise 10-15 Industries.
General Information
The cost to operationalize the network will be financed by GIZ Ghana. However, the network members (companies) will be required to contribute a token of about 1% (approximately GHS 6,000 per year) of the overall costs of the network to express their willingness and motivation to be an active part of the network. The token will be paid per year for the two-year running term of the network
Network Operations
Over the two-year running term, the network participants would benefit from the following:
Energy analysis (list of measures based on a Type 3 audit) per participant include:
o Energy and CO2-saving potential
o Cost of required investments
o Economic benefit analysis of the measures
o Individual energy saving target (confidential)
o Rate of return on investment per measure
Meetings per year (in-person or virtual) of the participants to exchange experiences and knowledge, access to cutting-edge technologies and experts.
o Kick-off meeting (year 1) and closing meeting (year 2)
o Eight (8) technical network meetings
In between the meetings:
o Individual energy audits and analysis per participant
o Individual support to implement measures
o Hotline/communication functions to participants.
Monitoring of implemented measures:
o Monitoring tool for each participant
o Monitoring and report per participant (confidential)
o Monitoring and report for the group
Network Team:
Above listed activities will be implemented, steered, and supervised by a network team, comprising:

o A National Moderator from the AGI-ESC
o Three (3) National Consultant Engineers from AGI-ESC
o An International Expert from GIZ / Integration
o Further experts from an expert pool (National / International)
Technical topics
Technical topics selected individually by the member companies and will comprise the following topics:
o Compressed air systems
o Electrical drive systems
o Cooling systems
o Ventilation systems
o Heat recovery systems
o PV and Battery systems
o Warm and hot water boilers
o Steam systems
o Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
o Biogas
o Lighting systems
o Power Factor Analysis
o Air Conditioning systems
o Several Process specific technologies
o Energy-and CO2-Management Systems
o Economic analysis of Efficiency and Renewable Measures
o Access to Finance
o Carbon Credits protocols